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Today, I’m excited to release the very first episode of a new weekly show format that I’m doing.

I don’t know exactly what to call it yet, so let’s go with “This Week in Niche Pursuits News”.

This is a new format where I’m recording with Jared (or another guest host) and we chat about current events and stories that are happening in the digital marketing world.

I thought it would be interesting for listeners to hear our thoughts on online marketing, blogging, SEO, and related news.

These episodes will all be released less than 24 hours after they are recorded, so they truly are “fresh”.

This Week in Niche Pursuits News…

So, having said that, go ahead and give the first episode a listen!

During the episode, Jared and I went threw 4 different show segments. Here’s some of the highlights:

  • “Niche Neesh News”
  • “Now That’s Impressive!”
  • “Shiny Object Shenanigans”
    • Jared: publishing a weekly newsletter to affiliate marketers (Weekend Growth)
    • Spencer’s Outsourced YouTube Channel
    • Spencer and the Amazon Influencer Program – Outsourcing
  • “One Weird Niche”

Overall, I hope you enjoyed this episode. If so, PLEASE leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts or anywhere else you listen.

Finally, be sure to join the Niche Pursuits Newsletter here (I send out 3 emails a week with “Niche News”).

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By admin

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