It’s that time of year where everybody is looking to change. New Year, new me and all that rubbish. Diets will be in full swing. Nobody will be drinking. And the gym will be packed.

Me? I’m aiming to go backwards, not forwards. Back to a time when I would blog about everything I saw in a day. My thoughts, my feelings, my life. Some funny, some mundane, some sad.

I stopped because for one reason and another, life took over. Work, family, kids, money. Pretty much everything that relates to being a 30-something adult. But now I feel it’s time to make a comeback.

Twitter has been my outlet during my time away from blogging. But i feel I know need something a little more long form.

Who am I?

38 year old male. Northern (UK) to the bone. Working as a consultant in the field of digital advertising and technology.

3 kids (8,6,2), 1 wife, and 1 dog. Between a hectic home life and a varied professional life I figure I shouldn’t struggle too much to find topics to write about. But I guess time will tell.

You will be able to find me on twitter and instagram too, details to follow….

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By admin

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