Most people will tell you that it’s lonely at the top. They’ll tell you that isolation and alienation is the price you pay for success. It makes sense, right? You spend all of your time working, you don’t get to see friends as often as you’d like, you give up some of your favorite social hobbies – the list goes on. But is that the only (or the best) route to business success?

Work-Life Balance

First of all, running a business is time-consuming. Of course, you will need to give up some of your favorite activities to focus on your business. Maybe you have to cut that third TV show out of your schedule. Maybe you have to reduce the nights you go out with friends each week. There will likely even be some weeks you don’t see your friends at all. These are all reasonable compromises. They’re expected compromises.

At the same time, owning a business (this includes affiliates) doesn’t mean giving up everything you love. It’s all about creating a balance. Some weeks the weight might lean more towards business or personal, but it should even out in the end. If you’re going to the bar 4 nights a week, you need to make a change. Likewise, if you haven’t seen your family in 14 days, you need to make a change.

It can be hard, but find a balance and stick to it. Pick a few things you really love and refuse to give up on them in favor of your business. You’ll thank yourself later! Plus, maintaining relationships and other interests will make it a little less lonely once you get to the top.

Good at Everything

No one is good at everything. If you’re an awesome snowboarder, you likely aren’t an awesome ice-skater. If you’re an amazing baseball player, you likely aren’t amazing at basketball. The same goes for online activities.

Don’t go into affiliate marketing, or any other business, thinking you’re going to be good at every aspect involved. You might be a total design rockstar and a total flop when it comes to copywriting. You might be a programming genius and a PPC noob.

You’re not going to be good at everything. Don’t waste time trying to be!

Good at Something

The trick is to find the something that you’re good at. No, great at. Find the one thing you do better than anyone you know: PPC, SEO, social, design, programming, copywriting – whatever. Then, go to town and get to work!

Do what you do exceptionally well and outsource to fill in the gaps. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you are. For example, if you kill it with the marketing strategy, look for expert designers, copywriters and programmers. Look for people who design, write and develop better than you could ever imagine. Work with them to establish a powerhouse.

If you follow this method, you’ll never get lonely at the top!

Original Post: Lonely at the Top

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