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Looking for automated business ideas that you can get started on for eventual passive income down the road?

This list of automated business ideas is your first step toward that goal – blending cutting-edge technology with smart strategies.

Whether you’re a digital nomad, a creative soul, or a tech enthusiast, you’ll find some inspiration to transform your vision into reality. And you’ll also get key do’s and don’ts to help guide you on your journey!

Awesome Automated Business Ideas

Automating aspects of your business can significantly increase efficiency and scale your earnings.

Here’s how you can leverage technology and outsourcing for automation in various online industries!

Dropshipping or E-commerce Store

  • Benefits: Dropshipping allows you to start an e-commerce business without needing inventory – reducing upfront costs and risks. It offers the flexibility to sell a wide range of products and adapt quickly to market trends. Plus, you can operate from anywhere, making it a perfect venture for digital nomads. And we made a full list of awesome dropshipping business ideas you don’t want to miss!
  • Considerations: Finding reliable suppliers and maintaining product quality can be challenging. You’ll also need to create a standout online store and master digital marketing to drive traffic and sales.
  • Automated Aspects: Inventory management and order processing can be automated through dropshipping platforms like Shopify, Oberlo , or the best Oberlo alternatives. You can also use price intelligence tools to stay ahead of your competition. And customer service inquiries can be managed via automated chatbots (listed below) or outsourcing to virtual assistants.

Affiliate Marketing Automated Business Ideas

  • Benefits: Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive income once you’ve set up your content and affiliate links. It allows you to leverage your audience by starting a blog, social media, or YouTube to generate sales for others while earning a commission. And there’s minimal risk involved since you don’t handle the products or customer service.
  • Considerations: Success in affiliate marketing requires building a strong, trust-based relationship with your audience. Choosing products or services that align with your brand and provide genuine value to your followers is essential. And it’s important to understand from the jump that getting traction with SEO on a simple blog is becoming increasingly more difficult than it used to be. But if you’re willing to stick through it and put in the time and work, and outsource to the right operators, it’s certainly one of the top businesses that can basically run themselves.
  • Automated Aspects: Use affiliate marketing software to automate link tracking and commission calculations. Content scheduling for promotion on social media can be automated with great all-in-one social media apps tools like SocialBee or SocialPilot.

Digital Marketing Services

  • Benefits: With businesses increasingly moving online, digital marketing services are in high demand. Automating tasks like social media posts and email campaigns can allow you to serve multiple clients efficiently. Plus, it’s a business you can start with just a laptop and internet connection.
  • Considerations: Staying updated with the latest digital marketing trends and algorithm changes is crucial. You’ll also need to tailor your strategies to each client’s unique brand voice and goals.
  • Automated Aspects: Again, you can automate social media posts, automate email marketing campaigns, and client reporting with digital marketing tools like ActiveCampaign, Semrush, or HubSpot. And of course, outsourcing content creation or certain aspects of SEO to reliable suppliers can also save time.

Content Creation and Monetization

  • Benefits: Creating content about something you’re passionate about can be deeply rewarding and profitable through ads, sponsorships, or memberships. Automation tools can help create content (like using AI to help flesh out this article), allowing you to focus your creativity on driving engagement in other areas like social channels. And it’s a way to scale production and build a community around shared interests or expertise in much less time than it used to take!
  • Considerations: Consistency and quality are key to growing your audience. Even if you use AI or outsourcing to create content, you’ll still need to invest time in understanding SEO and content marketing strategies to ensure your content reaches its intended audience. Also take this article as an example – even while using AI to help create it, it still requires time for manual internal linking – granted this is sped up considerably thanks to an automation tool like Link Whisper.
  • Automated Aspects: Schedule and publish your content using content management systems like Medium, Substack, WordPress or video platforms like YouTube. Use tools like Patreon for automated membership and payment processing.

Print on Demand Automated Business Ideas

  • Benefits: Print on demand lets you unleash your creativity by designing custom merchandise without worrying about inventory or upfront costs. It’s scalable, as your provider handles order fulfillment. And this model allows for unique branding opportunities and customer loyalty.
  • Considerations: Your profit margins may be lower than traditional e-commerce, so creating designs that truly resonate with your target market is essential. You’ll also want to ensure your printing partner offers quality products and reliable shipping.
  • Automated Aspects: Order fulfillment and shipping can be completely automated through print-on-demand platforms like Printful or Printify (you can see which is best in our full breakdown of Printful vs Printify here). Customer service can also be partially automated with FAQ bots.

Online Courses and Webinars

  • Benefits: Sharing your knowledge through online courses or webinars can be incredibly fulfilling and a lucrative revenue stream. And automating sign-ups and access to materials can help you scale your audience without additional work. Plus, it establishes you as an authority in your field.
  • Considerations: High-quality content and a user-friendly platform are crucial for student satisfaction. You’ll need to market your courses effectively and possibly update them regularly to keep them relevant.
  • Automated Aspects: Course enrollment, content delivery, and payment processing can be automated through platforms like Teachable or Udemy. Marketing emails and student notifications can be set up to run automatically. Learn more in our list of Teachable alternatives.

Automated Chatbot Development

  • Benefits: As businesses seek to improve their online customer service, offering automated chatbot solutions can be a profitable niche. It requires minimal ongoing maintenance once set up. Plus, it’s a service that caters to a wide range of industries.
  • Considerations: You’ll need to stay abreast of AI and machine learning advancements to offer competitive services. Understanding your clients’ specific needs to provide personalized chatbot solutions is also key.
  • Automated Aspects: Leveraging the best AI chatbot platforms to automate the development and deployment of your customer service needs could be the way of the future. And even if you’d hopefully rather keep a human support team, the actual customer feedback collection can easily be automated within an AI chatbot.

Subscription Box Service

  • Benefits: Subscription boxes offer customers a unique blend of surprise and personalization, creating a loyal customer base. This model provides consistent revenue through repeat business. Automation of subscriptions and shipping can streamline operations.
  • Considerations: Curating boxes that continually delight your subscribers requires creativity and an understanding of your niche market. You’ll also need to manage inventory and supplier relationships carefully.
  • Automated Aspects: Subscription management, recurring billing, and shipping notifications can be automated with subscription management software like Cratejoy. Plus customer onboarding can be streamlined through automated emails.

Virtual Event Planning

  • Benefits: With the rise of remote work, virtual events have become more popular, opening up a market for virtual event planning. Automating registration and reminders can save you time and enhance attendee experience. This business can be run from anywhere, offering great flexibility.
  • Considerations: You’ll need to be tech-savvy to choose and manage the right platforms for your events. Creating engaging and interactive experiences is key to standing out in the virtual event space.
  • Automated Aspects: Registration, ticketing, and attendee communication can be automated through event management platforms like Eventbrite or Zoom. Follow-up surveys and analytics reporting can also be automated.

Freelance Marketplace

  • Benefits: Creating a platform that connects freelancers with clients can fill a significant market need, especially in niche industries. Automation in matching services, payments, and project tracking can make your platform highly efficient. It’s a way to support other entrepreneurs and freelancers while building a business (and it’s just what sites like Fiverr have done).
  • Considerations: Developing a user-friendly and secure platform is crucial. You’ll also need to actively market your platform to both freelancers and those seeking their services to grow your user base.
  • Automated Aspects: Matching clients with freelancers, payment processing, and project tracking can be automated with marketplace software solutions. Customer support can be partially automated through FAQs and chatbots.

In each of these business ideas, automation streamlines operations and even enhances the customer experience. Leveraging the right mix of technology and outsourcing can free up valuable time, allowing you, the entrepreneur, to focus on strategic growth and innovation.

Key Do’s and Don’ts of These Automated Business Ideas

Embarking on an automated business venture is exciting, and to ensure you’re set up for success, here are some friendly do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


  1. Do Your Research: Understand the market you’re entering, the competition, and your target audience. A solid grasp of the industry landscape can help you spot opportunities and avoid pitfalls.
  2. Focus on Value: Always consider the value you’re providing your customers. Automation should enhance the customer experience, not detract from it. Ensure that any automated solution you implement solves a problem or fulfills a need.
  3. Start Small: Begin with automating a small part of your business process to see how it works for you and your customers. This allows you to learn and iterate without overwhelming yourself or your audience.
  4. Plan for Scalability: Choose business ideas and automation tools to grow with you. It’s important that the technology you use can handle increased volume as your business expands.
  5. Keep Learning: The tech world evolves rapidly. Stay informed about new tools, technologies, and trends in automation to continually optimize and improve your business.


  1. Don’t Forget the Human Touch: Automation is powerful, but personal connection matters. Ensure at least some elements of your business still retain a human touch, whether it’s customer service, content creation, or community engagement.
  2. Don’t Neglect Testing: Always test new automation processes before fully implementing them. This helps you catch issues and make necessary adjustments without impacting your customer experience.
  3. Don’t Automate Poor Processes: Review and optimize your business processes before you automate them. Automating an inefficient or flawed process can multiply problems rather than solve them.
  4. Don’t Overcomplicate Things: Keep your automated solutions as simple and intuitive as possible. Overcomplicating can lead to confusion for both you and your customers, potentially harming your business.
  5. Don’t Ignore Feedback: Listen to your customers’ feedback about their experiences with your automated services. Their insights can guide you in making meaningful improvements.

Remember, automation in business aims to make your operations more efficient and enhance your offerings, making your customers’ lives easier and happier.

Approach automation with a mindset of continuous improvement and customer-centricity, and you’ll set yourself up for success.

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